The Beginning of an Era...
Anthony's Bridal opened its doors in 1988 when sisters Jo Solorzano and Theresa Gremling had the idea to open a bridal shop in the Foley area. At the time, Ms. Jo was working as a teacher at the local Foley High School and was experienced with proms and dances. The parents of some of Ms. Jo's students suggested that Ms. Jo open a bridal shop so that she did not have to go all the way to Pensacola to buy gowns for her three daughters. As a single mother, Ms. Jo stepped out in faith and left her teaching career to work full time in the shop. Her sister, Ms. Theresa chose to pursue other endeavors. Ms. Jo named the store after her son, Anthony who has grown up working in the store since he was only seven years old.
Starting with only four bridal gowns and nine bridesmaids' dresses, the business now offers a vast selection of gowns
for every occasion and all the accessories, one could wish for.
Looking to the Future...
Ms. Jo stepped away from managing the store to enjoy a bit of retirement. Anthony's Bridal and Tuxedo is now operated by Anthony, his wife Hope, son Trevior and Mother-in-Law Tricia. the family attributes their success to their faith in God. The whole family pitches in to help with the operation of the store. Anthony and Hope's son, Trevior aspires to one day manage the store just like his dear ol' Mom and Dad.